A Moment with Lisa…

How Can You Know Someone, but Not Know Her?
Lisa Covington Lisa Covington

How Can You Know Someone, but Not Know Her?

How can you know someone and not know her...not know what a profound influence she will come to have on your life? We had had a professional relationship for about 10 years and had known each other upwards of 13 when my revelation began to unfold. We had almost daily contact for many of those, when she was my dean at the college. Although I was aware of some details about her life, I did not know HER.

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How Do You Create a Family? Give Them Roots and Wings…
Lisa Covington Lisa Covington

How Do You Create a Family? Give Them Roots and Wings…

We all have roots. Some are shallow – just barely underneath the surface of the soil – and without a lot of stability. Others are deep and strong – enabling us to withstand life’s many challenges. Chuck and Bobbi have roots. It all started in a small town that had three main roads and three stop lights. A next-door neighbor changed everything.

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What Can We Learn from Falling Back in Love: Feel It from the Heart
Lisa Covington Lisa Covington

What Can We Learn from Falling Back in Love: Feel It from the Heart

Young love. It comes at a time in life when the possibilities are endless and you feel like you have all the time in the world. Jennifer explained that she met Josh when they were young, but they had different plans that took them in separate directions with school and, eventually, life.

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What Can We Learn from a Message in a Bottle: Live and Love
Family, Blended Family Lisa Covington Family, Blended Family Lisa Covington

What Can We Learn from a Message in a Bottle: Live and Love

A young woman, enjoying an afternoon swim in the ocean, recovered a small, corked bottle that was approaching the shore. With anticipation, thinking popping the cork would most certainly reveal a rolled up, romantic, love-note, she gathered her family and friends to memorialize the event with pictures and with the reading of the message. As the story emerged, they quickly understood that sand was not in the bottle with the note.

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What is the Best Way to Learn: Look to a Child
Family Lisa Covington Family Lisa Covington

What is the Best Way to Learn: Look to a Child

We were messaging back and forth, one mom to another - making plans for me to shoot their upcoming, family photo session at the beach. We were talking about the style guide, coordinating outfits, and possible poses - when one sentence stopped me cold. Katelyn only had one request, and that was to capture a special moment...the symbolic casting off of their son’s reliance on a medical device. Little Cameron, only 20 months old, had achieved a milestone only the week before.

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