How to Recognize an Everyday Hero…

Like so many other wonderful people I could call by name, I wanted to make a difference – to help people see that with hard work, diligence, and determination they could achieve anything they previously thought impossible…anything someone told them they were not good enough for…anything. I had the hope I could make a small impact as a teacher, and I found this simple quote, author unknown, to offer profound insight about education, “Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Caring…it is the reason I became an educator…of big people…college people…not little people (may God bless each and every little one) under the age of 16. Although I love them, I know my limitations! I stand in awe of those I know who lovingly and creatively teach children – especially in light of the year COVID that we have found ourselves in. However, I am even more amazed at those I know who teach special needs students – anytime – but now, more than ever. Like others I know, more concerned about the lack of stability and normalcy in her students’ lives than she is about herself, Melanie is a selfless, dedicated, special needs teacher. As Rita Pierson said, “Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.”

Speaking of a child having a champion who propels her to the best she can be – cue Miss Ali! With personality for days and enough sass to rain down like confetti on New Year’s Eve, Ali is a delight! She could be a walking billboard for a “be you, do you, for you” movement – and how wonderful is that? Her mom, Melanie, obviously raised a young woman with enough confidence to spread her wings, while maintaining the loving roots of their bond. You can see it in the photos of them together – and it is precious! I only wish I could have met Ali’s brother during this session, but I am looking forward to, one day, being able to find that she raised him to be equally fabulous, I am certain!

This short biography cannot possibly end without a little romance…a little intrigue…without a little conspiracy…right? It all started online. That is what their answer was when I asked, “How did you two meet?” I am so glad they did! Just as the pictures indicate, this relationship is an illustration of pure joy! Ron adores her, and he wants to make her happy. He demonstrated that as we were walking off of the beach, and he was helping me carry my gear. In a conspiratorial tone, he whispered to me that Melanie’s birthday was the following week. He wondered if I could get a portrait of the two of them edited and sent to him so that he could surprise her. Of course, I was all in! He has since told me that she loved it, and I am so glad! 

I am so grateful that Melanie allowed me to serve her family by capturing their precious moments. I am thankful I had the opportunity. Our everyday heroes deserve to be featured. They deserve praise. They deserve recognition for all they have done and all they will do in the service of others – inside their families and out. They deserve joy, peace, and happiness.

 Blessings ~



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