What Do We Know About Time? It Is A Relentless Thief…

It is a special feeling. Once her eyes connect with his, and she pulls him close for the very first time – the bond is cemented. It is as if he is the only aggregate that could have filled the hole in her heart that she did not know existed. Unexplainable feelings pour into the surrounding void, and a love like concrete is formed. It is strong, and like no other…a mother’s bond with her son. I know this bond. I remember the moment, intimately. I only wish that I had had someone to stop time on that first day and whisper to me, “Take it all in, because it won’t be like this for long”, as I held him for the first time. Kathy knows this bond, as well, with her twin boys, Jordan and Parker. 

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” ~ Rajneesh


The inevitable happens. Her son starts to grow – too fast – as time is the relentless thief that makes precious, childhood moments seem so fleeting. Kathy shared with me that the boys gave liberal hugs and kisses when they were little, and all moms of boys miss those! Then, they started to develop their own characteristics. If you look hard enough, you might find some things are still there. For Kathy’s boys, little things – like sleeping with a fan and snuggled with their heads under the covers have endured. She loves that they still love movie night – eating dinner while they watch movies as a family. The mother starts to recognize familiar quirks, expressions, and mannerisms. She realizes that he reminds her of her husband, and this is yet another reason that this bond is so very special. 


Although our children may not be little any longer, the toddler lies just beneath the surface. Kathy graciously shared her favorite, early picture of the boys with me. Taken at 4 years old, each picture captures Jordan and Parker with tilted head, his hand sweetly under his chin, and leaning toward the camera with soulful eyes that draw one in. Those pictures are probably her favorite childhood pictures of them, because they capture the essence of one special part of the mother-son bond, in that a day comes when a mother sees her husband in her son. In that young child, she sees the man she married. In the early childhood pictures of Jordan and Parker, I see the compassion and love for others that Kathy described about them. She shared they get these qualities from their father, Mark. She loves all of them so very much. She knows her sons are growing up, but they will always be her babies.


“To a mother, a son is never a fully grown man – and a man is never a fully grown man until he accepts this about his mother.” ~ Author Unknown

Blessings ~







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