Can Looking Back Cause You to See the Future More Clearly?

The last two years have changed me - profoundly. I have been striving to practice the words of Saint Augustine, who offered the following simple, yet fantastically complex, roadmap to success. “Pray as if everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” I have been working very hard - and sometimes failing miserably, especially at the first part - to implement this strategy to make dreams that I never though possible a reality. 

Christmas vacation came just in time to provide a much needed rest…a break from the chaos that has been my mind lately. We have spent time sitting oceanside, walking at the edge of the surf and watching glorious sunsets. It seems so cliche, but here I am, starting this post on New Year’s Eve - reflecting - looking back on the past year…on 2020. Actually, if I am honest with myself, and with you, I am really reflecting on the last two years. I desperately needed time to calm my mind, because as Indra Devi said, “Like water which can clearly mirror the sky and the trees only so long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true image of the self when it is tranquil and wholly relaxed.” In the calm, I guess you could say that I have had time to appreciate the revelations that have come.

In looking back, I realize just how much I have been changed by faith. Standing at the base of a cross, capturing the image of a beautiful, full moon under an evening sky filled with a magical, gradient palette of pastels, I was reminded of how this photography dream truly began…in the middle of the night in 2019. I had been under a tremendous amount of stress, and having a few days off for spring break, I had gone to see my son. I awakened one night with the clear message that I was to embark on the photography journey that I had been too fearful about in the past - because I did not believe in myself. Although I tried to ignore His directive and go back to sleep, pulling the blanket over my head like a petulant child refusing to heed direction, I was compelled to search for the photography brochure that I had started to design two years earlier - stopping when the feelings of inferiority crept in. I found my original design, and having only the potential business name, which - incidentally - did not change, and one photograph on the cover, I pondered this idea the rest of the night until Cameron got up. By the end of the week we had sent the design to the printer, and Moments was born. I stepped out on faith - enrolling in photography classes to perfect my technique - while unsure and scared. Every day since, I have been working to depend on me less and my faith more. When I do, the confirmations continue to come…in opportunities, songs, devotions, podcasts, messages…in so many unexpected ways that it is impossible to deny.

In looking back, I also realize how much I have been changed by people. Adversity was the impetus for this journey, and Proverbs 24:10, one of my favorite scriptures, tells me, “If thou Faint in the day of adversity thy strength is small.” I did not faint. I will not faint, because Joshua 1:9 provides a clear directive: “Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” While I have been navigating these rough waters, there have been faithful people who have been by my side. Cameron has been my champion from day one - insisting the Moments brochure was completed before I left his house that week, so I could not second guess it. He is always willing to drop anything to help me with anything I need, and he believes in me. Garry encourages me and is always there to provide a different perspective when I have an idea. On the cold night of the Christmas star’s appearance, he was with me - outside, in the dark, keeping me warm as I waited throughout an hour for clouds to pass so that I could get the shot. There have been many other people who have offered words of encouragement, given me a chance, read my blog, shared my posts, recommended me to others, left beautiful reviews, have touched me as clients, and have just been there to listen to my ideas. I am humbled by all of you, and I thank you.

In looking back, I realize how far that I have come - with God’s help. I told Him, when I was awakened that night with this idea, that it was His. My heart’s desire is to bring joy to my clients in capturing their timeless images - while honoring God. So, as the sun sets on the past year and as I finish writing on this 2021 New Year’s Day, I am giving thanks for all you and for all of the opportunities that I have had. I am also so very thankful for the portrait sessions and weddings that are booked - even into 2022 - and for the relationships to come! 

Blessings ~



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