A Moment with Lisa…
How can the silence be so deafening?
Silence. It is deafening, because “rings” have been very important to me. They were our special “thing” - not rings of silver and gold, but simple phone calls. They were treasures that cannot be bought. These rings were so simple, but so meaningful - our birthday calls that came, every year, without fail. Early in the morning - that was the cue - ring…ring…ring…and I would always record it. I answered on the third or fourth ring, scrambling - so I could catch it all. Hello? His voice, becoming more and more frail every year, “Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Lisa. Happy birthday to you, and I love you”. It was my Pops, my Father-in-Law, the man that was the only father I had ever really known. With the exception of my Granddaddy, this man had been one of the most influential men in my life.
How Can Brain Surgery Be A Blessing? - My Story
Neurosurgery. Brain surgery, to be exact. Not exactly the words most people want to hear. The idea of having a “C-incision” all the way around the ear and a quarter sized hole drilled in the skull does not sound particularly appealing for most. It is to me. On July 1, I was blessed to hear that I was a candidate for a surgical procedure called Retromastoid Craniectomy for Microvascular Decompression. Why am I blessed? Let me take you on the journey.