Our Pearl - 30 Years in the Making…
The pearl. It is an exclusive gemstone, in that it is created inside another living creature. Rather than being formed beneath the ground, it is formed, interestingly enough, after an irritant enters the shell of a mollusk or oyster. In response, protective secretions build up around it over years, and the pearl is formed. Those most valuable are perfectly round and luminous.
Pearls have, for generations been considered the wedding gemstone, as they symbolize purity, faith, and honesty as a result of their natural beginnings. As unique as the individuals who enter a marital union, each pearl has characteristics different from all others. It is no wonder that generations have celebrated their wedding days with the giving and receiving of pearl gifts. Ours was no different, and as we celebrate our wedding anniversary, it is fitting that we commemorate the milestone that is the pearl anniversary.
Our wedding day. 30 years ago (how can that be?). Garry gave me a wedding gift, but the story actually starts with the first romantic gift he gave me when we were dating. It was a charm bracelet – with a heart shaped clasp. It was so very special…so unique…and I had never seen anything like it. For special occasions thereafter, he gave me heart shaped charms with special meaning. Knowing that the traditional gift for a groom to give his bride was one of pearl, he found a filigree heart which encased a single, white pearl. It was the perfect wedding present.
That charm bracelet is symbolic of our 30 years together – of the love he has for me, the family we have built together, of us…of all of us. There is a charm with our names and our wedding date on the back. A floating heart is reminiscent of a gift my father gave me when I was a child. Garry surprised me with my “Cameron” charm when he was born. Having purchased it in advance, he called the jeweler to have it engraved with Cameron’s name, birth date, time, and weight, after he was born. As our son was old enough to plan with him, they chose my dolphin charm – for our Sea World trips (and because – we just love watching dolphins at the beach). Then, there is my “Mom” heart – I never get tired of that name. I love my filigrees…I love the 30 years of us in the picture – with a stargazer lily from my wedding bouquet in the background.
Our 30 years has been like the making of a pearl. We started our lives together before God and with the words of Preacher Jacobs officiating, and on that day, as Mark 10:8-9 says, “And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.” (KJV) We have had mountaintops, and we have had valleys. In those difficult times, we have – like the oyster with the grain of sand invading its shell – drawn close to each other and to God for protection. In the end, this has strengthened our love, our faith, our bond, and our family – making something more valuable than I could have ever dreamed of 30 years ago. I thank God we are like the pearl.
I am everything I am because Jesus and Garry love me…
Blessings ~